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Collapse Issue 73 - 12 Aug 2003Issue 73 - 12 Aug 2003
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CWA pays tribute to Belgium

Umina Beach Branch of the Country Women's Association celebrated its International Day with a tribute to Belgium, the country of study for the year.

The main course for luncheon was the famous Flemish stew, laced with beer.

Twelve children from Umina Beach Public School submitted posters depicting the history of Belgium, its products and customs.

These were judged by Mrs Peg Playford, Northumberland Group international officer, who complimented the children on the high standard of their work and presented prizes to the three whose posters she had judged the best.

Certificates of merit were presented to the other nine contestants.

President Mrs Helen Parkinson welcomed Umina Beach Members, four husbands, group treasurer Mrs Margaret Pollard, group publicity officer Mrs. Beth Talbot and visitors from Woy Woy, Dora Creek, Gosford and The Entrance-Long Jetty branches.

A short pageant researched by international officer Ann Baker was performed by Country Women's Association members.

Publicity officer Clare Wren said: "We began with the beautiful actress Audrey Hepburn, born in Brussels in 1929, who was famous for her screen rolls, probably her best being 'My Fair Lady' and was played by Helen Parkinson.

"This was followed by the French-born poet, novelist and dramatist Victor Hugo, born in 1802, who when Napoleon 111 seized power, fled to Belgium in 1851.

"Famous for many poems, including 'L'Expiation' written in 1852, includes the quotation 'Waterloo, Waterloo, Morne Pliane' maybe better known in later years for his famous novel "Les Miserable", adapted for the successful musical of that name. He was played by Judy Jenkins.

"Belgium is famous for its many folk festivals.

"We chose 'The festival of Ceiper The Cat'."

Clare Wren said that from the year 962 it was the custom each May to throw cats from church belfries to ward off evil spirits

"Thank goodness this practice ceased in 1817.

"Nowadays, only cats made of material are thrown by court jesters, one of which was played by Betty Saunders.

"Next we presented Belgium's most infamous episode, 'The Execution' on October 15, 1915 of the heroic Red Cross nurse, Edith Louise Cavill.

"When World War 1 broke out, she established a Red Cross hospital in Brussels.

"Her crime was helping wounded prisoners escape back to their regiments.

"We were joined at the piano by Mr Phil Jenkins, Judy's husband, who led us in singing that stirring song 'The Rose Of No Mans Land', as a tribute to the brave Red Cross nurse, Edith Cavill, who was played by Vi Noakes.

"Wounded soldiers in that scene were played by Beril Finch and Lorraine Denning.

"To finish on a lighter note, we introduced those two famous Belgium tennis stars Kim Clijesters and Justine Hennen Hardine, played by Gwen Brinkley, and that ever so versatile Judy Jenkins.

"A great day was had by all."

Proceeds from the function went to the CWA international fund, which is used for the betterment of the women and children in the South Pacific.

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