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Collapse Issue 585:<br />8 Jan 2024<br />_____________Issue 585:
8 Jan 2024
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
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Proposal to extend medical centre to adjoining shop

Central Coast Council has received an application to extend a recent development approval for a medical centre in Ocean View Rd, Ettalong, to the adjacent shop.

The application is for "proposed internal alterations and change of use to existing commercial premises at 1/255 Ocean View Rd by extending the adjoining approved medical centre from 2/255 Ocean View Rd."

The property is currently zoned E1 Local Centre.

The application prepared by Optima Planning Consultants states that development consent was granted for internal alterations and change of use of the existing retail shop (formerly Kirby's) at 2/255 to a medical centre on last August 23.

"After this consent was issued, future tenant Providence Medical ratified commercial arrangements with the intention of expanding the practice into the adjoining premises currently occupied by Bay Optics (optometrist) who will be relocating to other commercial premises within the township.

"The current application is to ratify these commercial arrangements.

"The premises have a covered pedestrian pathway awning situated along Ocean View Rd.

"A rear public laneway forms the northern boundary where access is available to six off-street parking spaces."

The total combined floor space is 308.3 square metres, with a floor space ratio of 0.66:1.

It is proposed to refurbish the layout to consist of three consulting rooms, one treatment rooms, one office-storeroom and hallway opening to a common waiting area.

The floor area involved is 88.7 square metres.

Three car spaces are available to the rear including two which are stacked parked.

The proposal retains these three off street parking spaces.

The application states: "The proposed relocation of the medical centre to a more modern facility and remaining in the centre of the Centre along with extending, refurbishing, and modernising the existing pharmacy all contribute to making Ettalong Beach a desirable place to live and visit.

"It will have a flow-on effect of attracting other new investment, resulting in local jobs."

"In addition, it will sustainably improve the external perception and awareness of the Peninsula as a unique coastal experience for tourism."

The application is currently on exhibition and open for written submissions.

The closing date for submissions has not yet been posted on Central Coast Council's website.

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