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Collapse Issue 464 - 25 Feb 2019Issue 464 - 25 Feb 2019
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Early childhood music program launched in Woy Woy

The Central Coast Conservatorium of Music has launched a music program aimed at improving children's music comprehension skills in Woy Woy.

The classes will be held at Woy Woy Presbyterian Church Hall on Saturdays and were designed to unlock children's potential through musical theory and practice, according to teacher Ms Jo McMahon.

The classes were available for children aged 0 to 10 and were broken down into age groups to better facilitate an appropriate level of music comprehension skills.

In each class, a stimulating range of musical experiences was offered, including bouncing and patting rhymes, singing with the child as a way of encouraging vocalisation, and moving to music, she said.

As the child grows older, more advanced concepts were introduced, such as learning short songs, listening games, moving to music, how to keep a steady beat, moving to a specific rhythm and experimenting with finding their own singing voice.

Activities were repeated and built upon so children could start to memorise actions, words and melodies, which develops memory and coordination skills, she said.

Ms McMahon believes participating in early childhood classes is one of the best things you can do with children, from babies up to pre-schoolers.

"Apart from building brain pathways, especially for language, music is fun and interactive.

"Parents bond with their children in a very special way as they attend all classes up to the age of three years,'' Ms McMahon said.

"Music is one of the first memories formed and the last to go.

"We attach musical memories to all of the important milestones in our lives, whether they're happy or sad."

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