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Collapse Issue 79 - 04 Nov 2003Issue 79 - 04 Nov 2003
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Overwhelming support from parents

Woy Woy South Public School has received overwhelming support in a survey of a random sample of 120 parents.

Responding to each of 20 statements of desirable qualities, agreement that these existed at the school ranged between 92 and 100 per cent.

Parents were able to agree, strongly agree, disagree or strongly disagree with each of the statements.

While a large proportion of parents strongly agreed with the statements, disagreement was mild with only one person strongly disagreeing to just one statement

The results contrast with those from a similar survey conducted several years ago and are seen to represent substantial progress made at the school.

Four of the statements generated no disagreement. They were:

"The school has high behaviour expectations for its students."

"I am kept well informed about what the P&C Association is doing."

"Improving the quality of student learning is the school's main focus."

"The school always seems to be looking for ways to improve what it does"

The statement most strongly supported was that parents and carers felt welcome at the school for interviews, conferences and special events.

Of the 99 per cent said that they did feel welcome, 46 per cent strongly agreed.

The statement that student success was regularly recognised, praised and rewarded received 97 per cent agreement, with 38 per cent strongly agreeing.

Parents were pleased and satisfied that their children attended the school, with 98 per cent agreeing including 39 per cent agreeing strongly.

The poorest response to any statement was to the statement that parents thought teachers cared if their child was not doing as well as they could have been.

However, 92 per cent said they thought teachers did care, and this was regarded as a very supportive figure.

The survey also asked parents to list strengths and weaknesses at the school.

Strengths highlighted by a number of parents were the staff, balance between school and sport, keen students, excellent opportunities, friendly environment, good P&C, strong in sport, rewards for students, communication with parents and always trying to improve.

Weaknesses highlighted by a number of parents were the need for more grass, less dirt, some classes too large, shortage of duty teachers, some bullying, inconsistent bell times, need for a covered outdoor learning area (COLA), and lack of air conditioning to all classrooms.

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