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Collapse Issue 79 - 04 Nov 2003Issue 79 - 04 Nov 2003
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
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Stopping rules are explained

Empire Bay Public School has published guidelines for parents dropping off children at school in a recent newsletter.

"Some inaccurate information was provided to parents last term by a Council Ranger regarding rules applying to No Parking and No standing signs," according to principal Mr Gordon Fraser.

Mr Fraser said a driver may only stop in such zones if "the driver is dropping off, or picking up, passengers or goods; and does not leave the vehicle unattended; and completes the dropping off, or picking up, of the passengers, and drives on as soon as possible".

He said that a vehicle was defined as unattended "if the driver leaves the vehicle so the driver is over three metres from the closest point of the vehicle"'.

In any case, maximum stopping time was two minutes; unless information on or with the sign indicated another time, he said.

Vehicles could not stop at all where there was a "No stopping" sign.

The newsletter also reported that the Roads and Traffic Authority would convert the school traffic lights outside the school to a normal pedestrian crossing with traffic lights operated by pressing the button.

"These lights will operate 24 hours a day," said Mr Fraser.

"There will be no supervisor on duty at the lights and we will have to work to together to ensure safety."

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