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Helicopter use is criticised

The State Government's use of a helicopter to fly in a parliamentary secretary in the place of the Transport Minister for a recent railway announcement has been criticised by Liberal candidate for Peats, Cr Debra Wales.

Cr Wales said that it showed the State Labor Government was quite indifferent to the plight of Central Coast rail commuters.

"Obviously our local rail system is regarded as not good enough for an out-of-town Labor politician to use," said Cr Wales.

"Why would you travel by train when taxpayers can provide you with a helicopter?

"Given Labor's abysmal track record of making announcements and then failing to follow them through, you have to wonder exactly when we will see the new outer suburban carriages that Mr Moss was here to announce.

"The design of the new carriages has not even been finalised and concerns have already been raised about their proposed comfort levels for commuters.

"I certainly don't expect to see them in service anytime soon.

"We already have Millennium Trains that do not operate anywhere on the Central Coast.

"Central Coast commuters expect and deserve better train services.

"The only certain outcome they got from Labor was picking up the bill for a visiting non-entity's helicopter ride," said Cr Wales.

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