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Collapse Issue 509:<br />14 Dec 2020<br />_____________Issue 509:
14 Dec 2020
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Community group success 'not impeded' by epidemic

The success of the Umina Community Group during the year ending June 30 was not impeded by the Covid-19 epidemic, according to group secretary Mr Peter Springett.

The annual meeting of the Group was held on December 3 at Club Umina.

It received a report on the group's activites for the year ending June 30 and elected its committee for the current year.

This was "despite the cancellation of two face-to-face meetings and restrictions on volunteer programs in the first half of this calendar year imposed by the State Government".

Mr Springett said that highlights for the year included planning for the new Umina skate park and for upgrades to sporting club facilities.

Volunteers participation increased in bushcare and dunecare and in the revitalisation of Runway Park, Woy Woy, and Guyangil Park, Umina,

Successful grant applications were made for a shared zone in the Esplanade between the two surf clubs and for a pathway linking the Esplanade to the Recreation Precinct.

A total of more that $527,000 had been approved for the work, Mr Springett said.

Other activities included movie nights, law and order and networking.

Mr Springett said: "The Park after Dark program was run by Jenn Rochford in conjunction with Jasmine Greens and with great success and enjoyment by locals who attended."

He said that group president Mr Ron Beale had maintained liaison with the police at Brisbane Water Local Area Command, and provided regular feed back to the team.

Mr Springett said: "As in prior years, the Group has maintained contacts and collaborated with a wide network.

"During the year we had interaction with the Federal and State Governments, Central Coast Council, Rotary clubs, sporting clubs, BMXers, skaters, surf clubs, the Men's Shed, the media and sponsors, including Bendigo Bank and Club Umina."

The annual meeting elected the following committee: president Mr Ron Beale, vice-presidents Mr Rod Unsworth and Mr Mark Nitsos, secretary Mr Peter Springett and treasurer Mr Bob Salkeld and directors Mr Tony Winch, Mr Dan Philips and Ms Jenn Rochford.

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