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Collapse Issue 509:<br />14 Dec 2020<br />_____________Issue 509:
14 Dec 2020
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Troubadour holds end-of-year concert

The Troubadour Folk Club held its end of year celebrations at the Everglades Country Club on Saturday, December 5.

The evening was sold out well ahead of time, said club president Mr Michael Fine.

"There weren't enough tickets to fit everyone in who wanted to attend under the Covid-19 regulations," he said.

"The 80 participants lucky enough to be there had a fabulous night with plenty to celebrate."

"From the opening with George May to the grand finale, the evening was full of energy and joy.

"This really was a showcase that showed the depth of talent in the Troubadour as members and other local performers took to the stage.

"The night was a procession of highlights, from the first Australian recorded appearance of a Carnyx, the ancient Celtic War Horn, through to the Grande Finale which featured the Troubadour AllStars in a hearty rendition of 'Those Were the Days' and 'I'm dreaming of a hot Christmas'."

Mr Fine said that next year promised to be "even better" as the club returns to regular program of concerts and sessions each month.

"Venues are still difficult to organise, but we are hatching some great plans," he said.

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