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Collapse Issue 509:<br />14 Dec 2020<br />_____________Issue 509:
14 Dec 2020
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Church takes bookings for Christmas service

Umina Uniting Church is taking bookings for its Christmas morning service.

It can now seat 68 people, plus worship leader and musicians, following the relaxation of coronavirus restrictions.

The meeting room can seat 26 for a total of 94 people in a worship service, said the Reverend Patty Lawrence.

"Physical distancing, that is staying 1.5 metres away from people not in your household bubble, still applies," she said.

"The other major change is that we can now sing indoors during worship services, but you can only sing if you are wearing a mask.

"We are still required to keep a list of everyone who attends worship.

"Please continue to wear your mask to worship and sanitise your hands as you enter.

"We will continue to have people to show you to your seats.

"Come and rejoice on Christmas morning, bring your family and friends.

"Please book in and wear your mask."

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