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Collapse Issue 499:<br />27 Jul 2020<br />_____________Issue 499:
27 Jul 2020
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
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Crouch welcomes low-rise planning code

Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast Mr Adam Crouch has welcomed the introduction of a new Low Rise Housing Diversity Code on the Central Coast.

He said the purpose of the Code was to improve housing affordability as well as encourage more housing diversity.

The Central Coast was one of 46 Local Government Areas which had the Code implemented on July 1.

"The Code only applies where a council has already zoned land for this type of development," Mr Crouch said.

"Every council in NSW has had more than two years to tailor the Code to their communities."

However, the State Opposition is calling for the Code to be scrapped or heavily amended.

"The Code sets aside Council planning controls and allows more intense, unplanned development," said Shadow Minister for Local Government Mr Greg Warren.

"Under the Code, terrace houses, dual occupancy and manor houses will be fast tracked as 'complying developments' in as little as 20 days.

"These do not require a full development application to a council, only a complying development certificate issued by a certifier.

"This process removes Council oversight and community input.

"The Code has been described by many councils as over-development by stealth and has the potential to overcrowd suburban streets across the state."

Local Government NSW, an association of councils, said it made it harder for councils to uphold community confidence in an orderly development system that supported the local character of their areas.

Association president Ms Linda Scott said the Government should allow councils to retain the power to decide on individual developments, ensuring the right balance between the need for different forms and size of housing that support existing amenity and local community expectations.

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