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Collapse Issue 499:<br />27 Jul 2020<br />_____________Issue 499:
27 Jul 2020
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
Collapse  ARTS ARTS

If we can do it, why can't the mega-pubs of Sydney?

Here at the Ettalong Memorial Bowling Club, we believe we have been doing everything right since we reopened our doors on June 1.

All of our staff have stayed on board.

We have adhered to all of the social distancing rules.

Our front office staff ensure that every entrant is recorded with their phone number and all are temperature checked before being admitted to the club through our single entry point.

We are fully aware of how many patrons we are allowed in the club which includes two restaurants and four bowling greens.

Our patrons are limited to six per long table and four to smaller tables.

They know they must not mingle and must sit at their table after buying their drinks.

Our Covid marshalls who are always in the club ensure all these requirements are met.

We have ensured social distancing in our poker machine and TAB areas.

Our club is cleansed thoroughly on a regular basis and our staff are fully aware of their responsibilities.

If a relatively small bowling club on the Central Coast can successfully operate in this difficult environment, why is it that the mega-pubs in Sydney cannot do the same to ensure the safety of their patrons and the ongoing viability of the hospitality industry?

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