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Health team helps with needle disposal

A "harm minimisation team" from Central Coast Health has come to the aid of a bush care group faced with disposed needles and syringes.

The Melaleuca Wetlands bush care group were clearing lantana at the edge of the Everglades wetland when discarded needles were discovered, according to group member Heather McKenzie.

They contacted the Central Coast Area Health Service and were referred to the team which is dedicated to the reduction of the harm associated with injecting drug use.

Members team joined the bush care group to help dispose of the needles and to plan for the safe disposal of any further discards.

Ms McKenzie said: "It is wonderful that something that may have initially caused major concern can be fixed so quickly and with so much enthusiasm."

She said a "needle clean up hotline" was available on 1800 633 353.

"From our experience, if you have the misfortune of finding a needle on the ground, contact the needle clean up hotline and the Central Coast Health Harm Minimisation Team, will assist promptly."

The bush care group voluntarily maintains to the Everglades wetlands lagoon, ensuring the preservation of its native flora.

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