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Andrews raised secondary alcohol supply issue

Member for Peats Ms Marie Andrews has spoken of a local alcohol issue at the NSW Summit on Alcohol Abuse held in Parliament House recently.

She raised the issue of the "secondary supply" of alcohol to under-age drinkers at the recent Alcohol Summit.

Ms Andrews said that a workshop held at the Umina Beach PCYC had identified the issue as "one of the main concerns".

"Alcohol abuse is an indictment on our society and we must continue to address this problem", Ms Andrews told the NSW Summit on Alcohol Abuse held in Parliament House.

She outlined a number of solutions suggested for reducing under age drinking.

Ms Andrews that alcohol abuse was very much a social and health issue requiring the involvement of Parliament with leadership and legislative reform.

Partnership was required between all levels of government, non-government agencies and the community at large.

It was hoped that when the recommendations arising from the summit were put in place, they would lead to a vast improvement in the prevention of alcohol abuse, the treatment of persons suffering from the effects of alcoholism and a huge reduction in the incidence of alcohol abuse across the state, she said.

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