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Councillors are unsung heroes

I know its fashionable to bag politicians, however I recently attended a Gosford Council meeting and was struck by the thought and sincerity that the majority of councillors apply to the matters that come before them.

Whatever else is said about the council, councillors in Gosford remain the unsung heroes of our political life.

They work long hours for next to nothing, all in the name of the greater good.

Yes, there are the odd few who are fronts for developers and who would happily turn Gosford into a car park if there was buck in it, but (thank God) they are overwhelmingly in the minority.

What always struck me when I first came to the Coast was the preservation of the ridgelines.

It is an essential part of the stunningly beautiful area in which we live.

This is a legacy of a committed group of councillors, who unlike many of their counterparts in Sydney, serve on council to make our community a better place.

We are all in their debt.

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