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Triples played

The final of the Everglades men's bowls triples event saw a win to Ray Mason, Ron Pye and Brian Crawley over Peter O'Sullivan, Tom Bailey and Gordon Willmott.

Bowls publicity officer Barry O'Connor said: "The standard of bowls was of the highest quality but the experience of Brian's team won through in the finish.

"The quarter final of the mixed pairs has produced quality games with the semi finals to be played in the next week or two.

"The final of the novice singles saw a great game between Sandra Medhurst and Jeff Kime with Jeff Kime running out a worthy winner.

"With the annual elections coming up in the next month, members should start considering standing for the positions available," said Mr O'Connor.

"This is a chance to contribute to the running of the club and sharing some of the workload."

Entries are open for the October long weekend carnival.

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