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Think about lifestyle

Whatever your view about the beginning of the new millennium and whether it began in 2000 or 2001 we can now confidently say that we are in a new millennium.

In his New Year message, Dr George Carey, the Archbishop of Canterbury, made some dire predictions that are facing his three-month-old grandson Linus.

Dr Carey warned that those who seek to use its bounty for their own ends are pushing this planet to the "point of no return".

This year also marks 100 years since Australia became a federation and showed the world what a new and vibrant nation can achieve, and over the last 100 years we certainly have achieved a lot.

It is within this context that it seems to me that it is appropriate for us as a community to look at the future, and what that may hold as well as the past.

Dr Carey said in part of his message that "Little Linus, harmless though he looks, has the potential – like the rest of us – to become a dangerous predator plundering the earth."

He added: "We want our grandchildren to leave this earth better than they find it, but children born today risk doing more damage to the planet than nurture it."

We on the Peninsula would do well to heed these words. We have a beautiful and virtually pristine area in which we live.

I for one have been well-pleased that my parents chose to settle here back in 1973.

I have seen this area change and grow. However, we are now in a position where we need to think carefully about lifestyle.

We are all responsible for making this area more pleasant and attractive.

We can make a difference by planting trees ensuring that our streets and parkways are clean.

We likewise can take part in discussions about how we see this area being planned.

I encourage each of us to do so. That way we will be able to say that we have taken our part in making this area better and maybe just a little bit more community focussed.


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