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Phillip dux at Woy Woy

Woy Woy High School had its academic presentation day for 2000 last month with students awarded for their efforts.

Phillip Bernie was dux of year 12 for his first placing in the subjects of Chemistry 2U, Geography 2U, Mathematics 3U and Physics 2U.

Other year 12 students to come first in various subjects included Joshua Alce, Joel Askew, Daniel Brown, Dane Budd, David Butler, Nicholas Coffil, Sara Collins, Wayne Coulton, Tracy Crowe, Aaron Dewar, Mark Dolbel, Luke Franklin, Amy Haddadi, Anthony Hardman, Jaala Haynes, Kate Hayward, Deana Hutcheson, Melinda Hynes, Shaye Jewell, Elaine Kelly, Megan McGreal, Jessica Mitchell, Hailee Mullen, David Murray, Aaron Oberdorf, Haley Oliver, Amanda Pearse, Wayne Petzler, Melissa Varley, Karlie Waterson and Neil Wilson.

Dux for Year 11 was Ainslee Austin with first placing in Economics, French and Mathematics.

Other awardees for first placing in various subjects included Rose Amery, Craig Bleakney, Tara Carrig, Tracey Carsley, Kelly Clarke, Nathan Dunn, Dane Evans, Lisa Francis, Ben Hutcheson, Christopher Irwin, Belinda Jamieson, Shannon Male, Liam Nelson, Thomas Newlands, Carly Paterick, Renee Pratt, Fallon Purkiss, Amy Reed, Holly Robertson and Natalie Tansey.

The presentations for both year 11 and 12 dux were made by lecturer in marketing at the Central Coast Campus of the University of Newcastle, Ms Margaret Griffiths.

Kristy Shonberg was year 10 dux, with first placing in English.

Other awardees included Brendon Beck-White, Kate Bloor, Joshua Brown, Ben Crowson, Stacey Curtis, Dean Dedich, Kate Durbin, Matthew Flanagan, Jane Holmes, Peter Moore, Natasha Nazzari, Matthew Odgers and Ardy Sudarso.

Year 9 dux was Sarah Ryan with first places in English, History, Science and Visual Arts.

Other awardees for firsts in various subjects included Michael Bennet, Robert dos Remedios, Nicole Dunn, Joshua Genner, Brooke Howlett, Jamey Irwin, Elizabeth Jelsma, Matthew McCormick, Stuart McMinn, Christopher Roberts, Susan Sobczak, Saskia Vanderpoel, Daniel Williams, Emma Williams and Suzie Wrang.

Year 8 dux was Ashley Stahl with first placing in English.

Other academic awardees included Juliana Aleksieska, Kylie Bainbridge, Edward Garrett, Brendan Henderson, Alana Mitchell, Angela O'Connor, Rachel Pratt, Ashleigh Wilkinson and Lyndon Witchard.

Year 7 dux was Timica Hawkins with a first place in European Languages and Design and Technology.

Other academic awardees included Angela Ainsworth, Erica Broad, Alex Brown, Lauren Brown, David Curtain, Rochelle Dewar, Michelle Dodds, Nicole Smith, Tom Steel and Cameron Veacock.

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