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Minister misses point

Since your article in the December 19 edition (Putty Beach fees outrage residents), we have received a response from Bob Debus, Minister for the Environment, following our meeting with him at Parliament House.

Unfortunately the position has not changed. He has refused to recognise the issues put forward by local residents.

The Minister's letter claims there are 250,000 visitors per year to Bouddi National Park.

How was this figure arrived at?

There is no estimate of visitors to Putty Beach, least of all the number of local visitors.

No consideration has been given to the fact that Putty Beach is a very small area of Bouddi National Park, approximately 400 metres in length and forms a safe swimming area of Killcare Beach.

It is the only entry to the Bouddi Park to have an entry fee imposed.

There are approximately seven other entry points which remain free!

That confirms our view that local residents will be subsidising the visitors, tourists and campers to '"all" areas of the Bouddi National Park.

It also demonstrates that the fee for Putty Beach is not equitable and is discriminating.

The Minister's letter also claims that community consultation has been on the agenda since February 1998.

We have no evidence of consultation with any group before August 2000 when we first discovered that the proposal was planned to be implemented on November 1, 2000.

We feel the Minister has been poorly advised and we shall continue to press him to reverse this decision and provide free access to Putty Beach.

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