Everglades upgrade proposal to go to planning panel
A proposal to replace the Pro shop, bowls office and amenities at the Everglades Country Club at a cost of $550,000 will go before the Local Planning Panel for its decision on Thursday, August 10.
The application was referred to the Local Planning Panel as a result of 11 unique submissions being received during the notification period.
Central Coast Council planners have recommended approval, subject to conditions.
The report stated the key issues were matters raised in public submissions, including noise, notification, and trading hours.
The proposed development seeks approval to demolish the existing cart and bag storage sheds and existing green keepers' sheds.
It seeks approval for a new golf pro shop with larger cart and bag storage areas, and a new bowls office and amenities.
The current operating hours of the pro shop and locker rooms are currently Monday to Sunday 6am till 6pm.
"The proposed development seeks a reconfiguration of the existing facilities and are not considered in themselves to generate additional car parking requirements," the assessment states.
"The proposed development includes an additional 190 square metres of floor area, which, would require an additional 19 parking spaces.
"However, the current parking arrangements are considered sufficient, on the basis that the proposal aims to replace outdated facilities with similar facilities and the new facilities are unlikely to generate additional parking demand.
"The use of the golf course and pro shop is considered complimentary to the use of the registered club on the site and peak periods of use generally do not overlap.
"There is significant capacity within the existing parking provided on site (211 spaces)."
Local Planning Panel agenda 3.3, 10 Aug 2023
DA/2501/2022, Central Coast Council