Development application for new mooring
A development application has been submitted on behalf of the owners at 55 Woy Woy Rd, Woy Woy, for a new mooring.
The proposal, prepared by Southern Waterfronts, includes demolition of the existing jetty head, installation of a mesh ramp and a pile-stabilised pontoon and installation of a mooring pen.
The entire jetty head, jetty head piles and two metres of the jetty inshore of the jetty head would be demolished.
The mesh ramp would be six by one metres starting two metres inshore of the existing jetty head.
The pile-stabilised longitudinal pontoon would 3.6 by 2.4 metres in size, and four new mooring piles off the front and to the south of the new pontoon would create a new five by nine metre mooring pen.
The application states "a specialist marine habitat report found that the installation of a mesh jetty, pile stabilised pontoon and mooring pen would have minimal impact on the aquatic environment".
"The potential impacts on the aquatic ecology are expected to be minimal, temporary and unlikely to cause significant damage to any marine life.
"It would not cause any harm (direct impacts or indirect impacts) to the inshore zostera (seagrass) bed from the construction of use of the new structures.
"The start of the proposed new mesh ramp would be located 1.5 metres offshore of the outer margin of the zostera bed.
"The nearest location of piling (the inner pontoon-stabilising pile) would be located 6.5 metres offshore of the zostera bed."
The application is currently on exhibition for public comment, but the council website gives not closing date for submissions.
DA Tracker, 4 Aug 2023
DA/1438/2023, Central Coast Council