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Collapse Issue 575:<br />7 Aug 2023<br />_____________Issue 575:
7 Aug 2023
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
After-hours medical service faces closure
Read Peninsula News on your mobile phone
Rotarians drive across Australia for children's charity
First Rotary Exchange student since Covid
Quick thinking prevents spread of kitchen fire
Vietnam memorial day to be held at Ettalong
Woy Woy businesses eligible for facade grants
Ausgrid fells 'oldest street tree' in Pearl Beach*
Men's Shed makes beehive roofs for arboretum
Council cemetery team tells about memorial trees
Registration opens for oyster-eating competition
Volunteers wanted at Mary Mac's Place
Pre-school students join in National Tree Day planting
Woman goes missing twice in a week
Service NSW introduces Quiet Hour
Surfers association welcomes disability parking*
Women receive donation for Cancer Council*
Extra $2 food option to help sick children*
Awards for supporting Lions fundraising over 10 years
Sausage sizzle to raise money for Mary Mac's Place*
Central Coast 'Run for The Voice' ends at Ettalong
Coastal Twist shop window competition opens
New pedestrian refuge welcomed*
Tesch joins calls to save Empire Bay Boat Shed*
Consider applying for Seniors Festival grant, says Tesch*
Information about services for older people
Holly speaks of her archery
Restaurant owner welcomes energy bill relief*
Grocery donations for Mary Mac's*
Grants available to support volunteers*
Christmas in July at Rotary*
Rotary club holds coffee meeting
Widows group holds Christmas in July*
CWA branch holds Winterfest*
Donations wanted for trivia night*
Tesch to speak at disability summit*
Only four days with rain in dry July
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Two-storey multi-dwelling proposal for Britannia St

An application has been lodged with Central Coast Council to build a two-storey multi-dwelling development, with three dwellings at 10 Britannia St, Umina.

The application prepared by Clark Dowdle and Associates states that "The dwelling construction would utilise reinforced concrete slab footings, timber roof rafters with colorbond roof sheeting, aluminium framed windows and mixture of external cladding."

Six off-street car parking spaces would be provided including one visitor's space.

The proposal does not comply with front setback requirements.

This should be an average of adjoining property setbacks which is 6.7 metres but this proposal seeks a variation to include a front porch with a 5.77 front setback.

The application argues: "Meeting the 'average of adjoining' is somewhat unreasonable in terms of a multi-dwelling development to have the same setback as a single dwelling houses that were erected 30 years ago.

"Since this time, higher density housing has been established in the medium density zone that has established a six metre front setback (per GDCP 2013).

"This is demonstrated in the more recent development that has occurred directly across the road at 3 Britannia and 7 Britannia.

"It is anticipated that future multi-dwelling development would occur in the street and that variations the average of adjoining requirements will be sought to allow smaller and more affordable housing stock to be established on similar sides lots."

The application is accompanied by a written variation request, requesting a variation to the front setback.

The proposal also "requires removal" of an apparently healthy street tree to make way for the driveway which will be located on the left (eastern) side of the development.

This has already provoked one opposing submission from a member of the public.

There is a four per cent variation requested to the requirement for unbroken lengths of wall not to exceed 10 metres in length and three metres in height.

The application claims the proposed multi-dwelling housing development is consistent with the objectives, planning strategies and controls applicable to the site.

"The creation of an additional allotment and dwelling-house would not result in any adverse environmental, amenity, social or economic impacts to the site and surrounding area."

The exhibited plans appear to show a "North Point" that is out by more than seven degrees, while the correct azimuth is annotated on the site boundaries of the same drawing.

The computer software that generated the shadow diagrams appears to have used the false North Point, so would also be incorrect.

The application is currently open for written submissions from the public.

The closing date for submissions is August 25.

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