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Religious teachers need a miracle

I am an original board member (a rather desperate one) of Religious Education Ministries (REM).

We are not in the habit of writing "begging" letters.

All our support is provided by God, through the combined churches on the Woy Woy Peninsula.

I feel, however, it is now time to ask for support from further afield.

The Religious Education Ministries is a non-profit public company limited by guarantee and does not have share capital.

Donations $2 and over are eligible for tax deductible expenditure (ABN 18072 696 121).

In the past 15 years we have employed various teachers for the two high schools, solely supported by the church, by straight out gifts and also fundraising.

All denominations have been involved.

The Education Department is happy to have these teachers on staff and the subject is assessed and treated as part of the normal curriculum.

The Education Department does not contribute to their salary although the schools have found great benefit from the presence of our teachers, particularly in "crisis" situations.

Jeff Roffey who has been with us for 10 years has been able to act as chaplain several times.

The teachers also contribute to the sporting and musical life of the schools.

Jeff also teaches Higher School Certificate RE in his own time (and ours).

The Education Department will only pay a teacher for 12 or more students (years 11 and 12).

The young people on the Central Coast really do need to know about Christianity and according to staff the tone of the school at Umina, in particular, did greatly improve.

A great many students come from broken homes and need all the love and care we can give them.

The churches have been coping with the budget of $80 000 until recent years when income has not increased with the increase in expenditure.

The increase in wages, the provision of long service leave and superannuation, and the introduction of the college system has caused the budget to grow to over $115 000.

Many of our supporters are pensioners and families with mortgages.

This year Umina High School (years 7-9) and Woy Woy High School (years 10-12) became Brisbane Waters Secondary College.

A bequest of $70 000 last year encouraged us to continue a presence in both schools.

Last year we employed 1.8 teachers and this year 2.4 teachers.

Next year the numbers of teachers will increase yet again.

The situation at the moment is both exciting and desperate.

Exciting because at our AGM on Monday, May 12, we elected new board members and a new chairman.

The teachers' reports were enthusiastic and positive about their work in the classroom and interaction with the students at lunchtime and during after-school activities.

We can see God working in the lives of these young people.

Desperate because of the financial situation.

Last year the budget deficit was $31 000.

The short fall came out of the bequest which is dwindling rapidly.

This year already - in four months - the deficit is $19 000.

We have $23 000 left of our bequest.

We need a miracle to the tune of $50 000 or we must cut back the work.

After 15 years of growth and great success, this is a heart-breaking thought.

Which classes miss out? Which teacher must go?

This money could come from one special benefactor or 50 giving $1000 each.

Please pray about any contribution you could make.

God may prompt you to provide our miracle.

We need the money urgently as we have to decide and let the schools know by August this year which classes we can cover in 2004.

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