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Home needed for rowing club

I am the head rowing coach for the Brisbane Water Rowing Club located temporarily on the Woy Woy waterfront and would like to make your readers aware of our plight.

We have been formed for the past year and, on June 20, we will be holding our first annual meeting.

We have accumulated lots of interest and have now over 30 financial members.

We are currently based at a waterfront reserve property at the end of Park Rd, Woy Woy, allowed by the good nature of the home owner there.

We have many clubs in NSW that have donated boats and I have purchased two quad sculls.

Unfortunately, we do not have the storage space on the waterfront property to house more than one boat. The boat that all the members use is kept outside within the above mentioned property.

I am currently trying to arrange crews for next season's competitions along with other coaches and the club captain.

I guess we need to go through the hard yards, as they say, but it seems that the task at hand isn't getting any easier.

We have received over 160 signatures for the club's existence in a few hours at Deepwater Plaza.

There seems to be no shortage of support, but we need a permanent place on the waterfront now.

An approach to Gosford Council has been a "too hard basket" affair.

Do any of your readers have any constructive ideas that can retain the Olympic sport of rowing on the Peninsula for our youth and others to enjoy.

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