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Empty promises bandied about

I recently found it necessary to approach our local member Marie Andrews in relation to a serious law and order matter.

After discussion and providing her with documentation, she assured me that she would approach the appropriate people with my concerns.

No feedback has been received since the initial approach in October 2002 and subsequent follow up enquires have fallen on deaf ears.

I also approached, in November 2002, liberal candidate Debra Wales to see if she could offer any help.

Again in discussion and documentation was provided and assurance that Chris Harcher would be advised of my concerns and action taken.

Again no reply and subsequent follow up enquires has fallen on deaf ears.

My concerns that effect their area are serious and far-reaching and warrant action to correct the inaction of certain people.

It is also a subject that is being touted by our politicians to gain votes.

As always, they are big rhetoric and small on action.

This is the type of representation we can expect from either one if elected next March.

As they refuse to reply to my questions and concerns, it appears too hot for them and has been assigned to the "Too hard basket"!

Debra Wales is aspiring to move from Gosford Council to the state assembly in March.

How can she hope to represent the people at state level when as a member of a council that is suffering from a credibility problem, cannot even follow through with promises made at local level?

Before you cast your vote in March, remember the many unfilled "promises" of Labor and Liberal from past elections and the empty promises being bandied about at present.

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