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Obituary: Bill Hall

Peninsula resident Bill Hall passed away on February 14.

Member for Robertson, Mr Jim Lloyd, said: "I am extremely saddened by the passing of a dear friend, Bill Hall.

"Bill was not only an outstanding member of our community and a man who worked tirelessly on behalf of his fellow veterans over many years, but he was also known and loved by so many people on the Central Coast.

"He will be greatly missed.

"Whenever we lose a veteran, it is always a sad occasion because their deeds during times of past conflict truly represent that priceless aspect of our culture.

"That unique strength we call the fighting 'Aussie spirit' and, as we march off into the future, it's something we cannot afford to lose.

"It could be said that the loss of Bill Hall is even greater because there is absolutely no doubt he so typified that fighting spirit.

"Not only during the second world war, as one of the legendary Rats of Tobruk and later, during the brutal New Guinea campaign at Milne Bay, but over the many years that followed as he fought on behalf of his fellow veterans for the recognition and rights that they so richly deserve.

"Over recent years, I was lucky enough to spend quite a lot of time in Bill's company due to our mutual interest in improving the welfare of veterans and because of his involvement with most of the ex-servicemen organisations where his assistance proved to be invaluable."

Mr Lloyd said he would always remember Bill Hall as an extremely kind man and a true gentleman.

"Bill used to say, 'It's better to wear away than to rust away' and that's how he attacked life - never wasting a moment, he lived it with vigour and integrity.

"Bill Hall was a genuine man of action, one of life's great contributors and I will really miss him."

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