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'Secret' claims screen dismal record

Recent claims by Marie Andrews, Member for Peats, that Gosford Council has "secret" plans to use the Lemon Grove Netball Courts for ferry car parking has been branded as a "political beat up" created by a politician facing a close and hard fought election in a few weeks.

Council bashing is an easy way for politicians to get media attention and is often used by the less scrupulous to divert attention away from their own dismal record in government.

The really desperate add the word "secret" so that they don't have to provide any documents to prove their case and they are off and running.

Ms Andrews does not seem to care that she may be frightening some people living around the courts who may actually believe the nonsense she is peddling on this issue.

As patron of the Woy Woy Peninsula Netball Association, I can assure the community that council has no plan, secret or otherwise, to use the courts as parking for the ferry.

In fact, council has been working with the netball association for over six years to ensure that the netball courts remain where they are.

This matter has a long history and at every stage the netball association, the council and the community have been solidly against using the courts for ferry parking.

Parking was one of the most important matters discussed when the proposal for the fast ferry came to council.

Beginning in 1996, the netball association met with Mr Peter Hale from the Ettalong Club and other ferry proponents several times to discuss the issue.

The association made it clear to the proponents and the council from the outset that their preferred option was to remain in their present location.

The council strongly supported this stand.

The developers proposed that the netball courts be relocated at their cost but that suggestion foundered when the costs were examined.

Not unreasonably, the association insisted that any proposed relocation ensure similar or better facilities than those existing at Lemon Grove.

I am aware that other proposals to cope with ferry parking such as extra parking in the Ettalong Club redevelopment or the purchase of land specifically for parking were rejected by the ferry proponents on the grounds of cost.

Following the failure to secure the courts for parking, the ferry proponents were insistent that the ferry would not generate a great deal of extra parking as it would be promoted as a "kiss and ride" facility, ie passengers would be dropped off by bus or car, thus eliminating the need for further parking.

Use of public transport would be encouraged and the proponents placed a great deal of emphasis on this aspect of the proposal when the matter was before council.

Hence, the conditions of consent for the ferry require a drop off point which can accommodate three buses.

Overflow parking was to take place in surrounding streets some of which must be kerbed and guttered as part of the development consent.

The ferry proponents lost the battle over the netball courts years ago and the matter should not be revisited, even by Ms Andrews, as part of a political beat-up just weeks out from an election.

The Lemon Grove facility is on public land and is used extensively for sport and recreation and this is how the community and the council want it to remain.

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