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Traditional meal at Indonesian night

A traditional meal of 13 delicious Indonesian dishes will make up the Rijstafle or rice table menu at the Rotary Indonesian Cultural Night to be held tonight (Tuesday) at the Everglades Country Club.

Woy Woy Rotary Club is organising the Indonesian Cultural Night to raise money for an aid project on Sumba island, South East of Bali.

Woy Woy Rotary Club president Mr Walter Pearson said the cattle farm was a large investment that would greatly assist locals to be self-sufficient in food.

"Most people on Sumba do not get enough protein for their daily needs and this project will help overcome that problem," he said.

"Their dinning habits are in stark contrast to the huge Rijstafle or rice table settings often used by Indonesian Sultans and Colonial Rulers as a display of wealth and prestige."

The "Rijstafle" which dates back to Dutch Colonial times in Indonesia comes from the Dutch words for rice and table and describes a refinement of the Indonesian way of eating small dishes with rice, Mr Pearson said.

Traditionally, the Rijstafle may be anything up to 100 dishes.

"We won't go that far. Our Rijstafle menu will be limited to a 13 dishes," he said.

"We intend to use the feast to make people aware of the plight of children growing up in poverty and use the night to show people how improvements can be made."

Woy Woy Rotary Club will follow the grand tradition of Rijstafle of ringing a brass gong prior too the serving of each dish.

The 13 Dishes in the Rijstafle will be:

1. Lumpia and Risoles (Vegetables and beef springroll)

2. Nasi Putih (Steamed rice).

3. Ayam Goreng (Fried marinated chicken)

4. Kan Goreng acar Kuning (Fish with tumeric and vegetable pickle)

5. Sambal Terasi (Chilli shrimp paste}

6. Gulai Daging (Beef cooked in coconut milk with Indonesian spices)

7. Satay Ayam (Chicken satay with peanut sauce)

8. Sambal Kering Tempe Teri (Cripsy tempe and white bait cooked with tamarind

and sugar)

9. Urap (Steamed vegetables with grated coconut)

10. Krupuk Udang (Prawn crackers)

11. Puding Dengan saus Vla (Pudding with custard)

12. Es Cendol (flour pudding with jack fruit juice)

13. Aneka Buab Segar (Assorted fresh fruit)

The night will include presentations on the Sumba Project, business opportunities in Indonesia and traditional Indonesian dancers and singers.

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