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Andrews claims credit for Federal funding

Recently a glossy "Community News" brochure from Marie Andrews MP arrived in my letter box, promoting Premier Carr and Marie Andrews in the run up to the State Election, which is no real surprise.

What is concerning though, is that this brochure contains some glaring inaccuracies.

For example:


The Mangrove Mountain Community Technology Centre was funded by $215,000 from the Federal Government's Networking the Nation program and $60,000 State Government funding, not fully funded by the Carr Government as claimed. * Another claim was that the Carr Government funded $350,000 for the new traffic lights at the Pacific Highway-Wisemans Ferry Rd intersection. This is simply wrong.

The intersection was funded with $300,000 from the Howard Government's Blackspot program and $200,000 from the State Government, but Ms Andrews has the audacity to claim it all as State Government funding.

It is also interesting to note that most of the projects mentioned in Ms Andrews's election brochure would not be possible without funding from the GST - something that the Labor Party strongly opposed, and now they want to take credit for the benefits created by this new tax system.

This year (2001-2002 financial year) the Carr Government will receive $8132 million in direct GST funding.

This funding will continue to increase each year.

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