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The jury is in on class size

Wake up, Bob, the jury is in.

As a classroom teacher of over 20 years experience teaching years K - 2, I can assure parents that a classroom is a very hectic place.

Seven key learning areas (KLAs)are covered.

They are English, mathematics, science and technology, human society and its environment, physical education, personal development and health, and creative and practical arts.

English can be broken down into reading, handwriting, process writing, spelling, grammar, and comprehension.

Each of the KLAs is composed of a vast array of outcomes, indicators, learning experiences, and evaluation activities.

All of the above are delivered to classes, each with an age range of up to approximately 18 months. Classes consist of up to 30 students.

Surely it is obvious that reducing class sizes to a maximum of 20 will give each student up to 50 per cent more individual attention.

Mr Carr, how can the jury still be out on this point?

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