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Logo is part of success story

The logo was developed by the Woy Woy Village Renewal Committee, of which I was a member.

The committee started work several years ago at a time when the Woy Woy waterfront was in a dreadful state.

Working solidly over a three-year period, the committee involved the community in bringing renewal and rehabilitation to one of the best places on the Peninsula.

The committee conducted the logo competition as part of the community involvement in the whole Woy Woy waterfront upgrade and was delighted with the logo which was finally chosen.

The logo is part of the success story of making the Woy Woy waterfront a vibrant place for locals and tourists to enjoy.

The problem has been that the committee did not have the funds to publicise the logo and therefore its use has lanquished.

I disagree with the comments of Mr Barry Parker, a local graphic designer, that the a community competition was not the best way of designing a logo and I am concerned about Mr Parker's suggestion that key people in the community be canvassed for their views about what a new Peninsula logo should look like.

Local people are tired of "key people" making decisions which affect everyone and the time has passed when only certain people had a say in what goes on.

As for the current Woy Woy logo adopted by the committee, I would like to know what other local people feel about it and whether it could or should be used to promote Woy Woy.

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