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Campus principal returns

Umina Campus principal for Brisbane Water Secondary College, Mr Frank Gasper, has returned to the campus after a period as relieving College Principal and has reported activities at the school.

Mr Gasper said: "The ANZAC Day ceremony organised by Mr [Roger] Macey and presented entirely by students was the best that I have seen in my teaching career."

Several students identified as gifted and talented had been given the opportunity to advance their studies by doing year 11 subjects in year 10.

Mr Gasper said: "[This] is a great feature that we wish to expand.

"Increasingly, we hope to tailor specific pathways for individual students, whether through vocational courses or a more traditional academic focus."

The new appointee to College Head Teacher of Teaching and Learning, Mrs Lorraine Hickey, will focus on students identified as gifted and talented as one of the role's specific duties.

Mr Gasper said: "The new principal at Woy Woy Campus, Mr David Beattie, has already introduced several excellent initiatives to establish such programs."

A school disco was organised by Mr Larry Thompson and the SRC.

Mr Gasper said: "It provided a safe and enjoyable evening for all concerned.

"It was great to see so many students being picked up by parents after the disco.

"Thanks to all the teachers who gave up their evening to supervise the night."

The College Learning Conference was an opportunity to bring the teachers of both campuses together to focus on assessment, teaching and learning.

Mr Gasper said: "The two days enabled us to arrange a quality presenter in Ralph Perroza from Queensland who gave some excellent insights into classroom practice.

"Peter Lorking gave us some valuable perspectives into assessment."

The college recently received the results of the Statewide ELLA Tests.

The tests assess student strengths and weaknesses and provide a planning tool for future programs.

Mr Gasper said: "Whilst there were very good results by many individuals, the group that performed best was our Year 7 girls who achieved excellent results - above the average for the State.

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