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Collapse Issue 608:<br />25 Nov 2024<br />_____________Issue 608:
25 Nov 2024
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St John's parish celebrates church anniversary

St John the Baptist Catholic parish in Woy Woy celebrated the 17th anniversary of the dedication of the church on Monday, November 18.

Mass was said at 9.15am on Sunday, November 17, by parish priest Fr Timothy Raj, assisted by Fr Alex Peter and Fr Vincent Lourduswamy.

After mass, a social gathering took place in the car park.

Parishioners joined in a sausage sizzle, along with home-cooked refreshments, for morning tea, along with donated bread and pastries.

A cake was provided for the priests to cut and share with all gathered for the anniversary celebration.

Fr Timothy told the parishioners: "Celebrating the anniversary gives us an opportunity to look back and reconnect with our Church and the reasons behind its design.

"When we take the time to understand the significance behind each symbol, we realise the stories of past and present all being brought together into this sacred space," he said.

"Our church is built around the idea of Christians as pilgrims.

"The pebble surface that begins at the pedestrian gate continues under the covered way, through the main doors and the gathering space to the pews, and is also visible around the altar, ambo and chair.

"As we enter the worship space, we see on the doors (in four languages) from the pilgrim psalm 120(8): The Lord will guard your going and coming, both now and forever.

"The gathering space doubles as a devotional space - an area where we can engage in private devotions.

"There are the Way of the Cross and chapels in honour of the Sacred Heart, the Blessed Virgin, St Joseph and St Anthony.

"Inside, the stained glass draws our attention to the Patron, Saint John the Baptist.

"The altar, ambo, chair and font form a set, made from Persian travertine and highlighted in Roman travertine.

"They are the focal points of the building, according to what is happening, and they emphasise the unity of Sacramental action.

"It is around these that we gather at various important events on the journey, especially when we assemble on Sunday.

"The exact centre of the Church is just in front of the altar steps, in the centre, where really important events take place.

"The priest stands there to distribute communion; marriages and ordinations take place there.

"The pilgrim route which we mostly follow (in and out the main doors) is not the way in which we finish our journey.

"We have a special set of funeral doors, like those in mediaeval monasteries, and after the mass or service of Christian burial, the body is taken through these doors to the hearse waiting outside."

All were welcome to visit at any devotional time "or just to take a look".

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