Garden hosts wanted for edible garden trail
The Central Coast Edible Garden Trail is seeking interest from Peninsula gardeners who would like to be part of this year's Trail.
The event will be held on the weekend of Saturday and Sunday, May 3 and 4.
"Our theme this year is permaculture," said organiser Ms Anna Trigg.
"Fortuitously, Sunday, May 4, is World Permaculture Day, so this is a terrific way to share our passion and demonstrate permaculture systems in our gardens."
Ms Trigg said she would love to hear from people who practise permaculture in their garden and are keen to showcase some of their systems.
"It might be a food forest, an animal system or two, water management through swales, rain gardens or ponds, or habitats for wildlife.
"You could be building healthy soil through compost, worm farms, deep litter, chop and drop and green manure crops, building gardens for biodiversity, huegelkultur or no dig garden beds.
"Our garden hosts will share their passion, wisdom and practical know-how to a steady flow of visitors.
"All of our garden hosts and organisers are volunteers, giving their time and wisdom freely and the funds raised through ticket sales are redistributed to our local community."
For more information, email
Media release, 21 Feb 2025
Anna Trigg, Central Coast Edible Garden Trail