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Collapse Issue 581:<br />30 Oct 2023<br />_____________Issue 581:
30 Oct 2023
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
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Dual occupancy plan has concrete instead of street tree

A development application has been submitted for an attached two-storey dual occupancy and associated two-lot subdivision at 42 Hobart Ave, Umina.

The proposal exceeds the floor space ratio limit of 0.5:1 and includes a 50 square metre expanse of concrete across the nature strip for a combined driveway to the two dwellings.

It would see the removal of a street tree, which would not be replaced.

The four-bedroom dwellings will have bedrooms, activity room, bathroom and toilet upstairs, according the application prepared by Untapped Planning on behalf of GJ Gardiner Homes

Downstairs each will have a combined dining family room and kitchen, along with a laundry and toilet.

The site has a total area of 651.2 square metres, with a street frontage of 19.81 metres to Hobart Ave and 32.92 metres to Mt Ettalong Rd.

The proposal is non-compliant with a floor space ratio requirement of 0.5:1, having a ratio of 0.54:1 with a gross floor area 353.22 square metres.

The application argues that the proposed development is consistent with the R2 zone objectives in that it will provide for the housing needs of the community.

It states that the development is sympathetic to the scenic, aesthetic and cultural heritage of the locality and the build form is consistent with other recent constructions in the street.

It says the proposal would not prevent other land uses that provide services or facilities to meet the day to day needs of residents.

It states that the proposed development would not adversely contribute to the streetscape and contained large areas of open space and articulation in the building.

It claims the development did not contravene the objectives of the floor space ratio planning control and that the variation requested was "minor in nature".

"Given this compliance with other planning controls and the lack of physical and environmental impacts from the development, it is considered that there are grounds to justify contravening the development standard."

The application proposes that two driveways at the front of the building be extended across the nature strip as one solid expanse of concrete of about 50 square metres in area.

It refers to the "necessity" to remove one street tree due to the placement of this driveway.

However, neither the redacted drawings nor survey plan indicate which tree is to be removed.

Referring to the requirement for replacement street tree planting, it argues that "No planting is proposed due to the numbers of existing street trees."

There are a number of street trees impinging on the site.

The arborist's report states: "The site has a stand of mature, remnant and endemic taxa (eucalyptus florabunda) within the current proposal.

"These trees are considered important parts of remnant forest."

It recommends the removal of one tree due to its proximity to the driveway with the retention and protection of three other trees.

The application is currently on public exhibition and open for written submissions until the November 17.

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