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Collapse Issue 572:<br />26 Jun 2023<br />_____________Issue 572:
26 Jun 2023
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
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Multi-unit development includes 'change of use'

An application has been made to build a four-unit multi dwelling development at 22 Melba Rd, Woy Woy.

One of the units will be created by way of a "change of use" for an existing secondary dwelling on the property.

The application, prepared by Jamie Harris Building Design, states that: "The site is located on the northern side of Melba Rd.

"The property is zoned R1 General Residential and is 627.9 square metres in area (calculated).

"The site is triangular and has a front boundary of 40.13 metres, one long side boundary dimension of 47.345 metres, one short side boundary dimension of 25.59 metres and a rear boundary dimension of 4.845 metres."

The development is intended to be staged.

Stage one would involve the demolition of the existing primary residence and outbuildings and construction of three attached multi-dwellings.

The application states that, as part of stage one: "The existing fence along the eastern side boundary is also to be removed and a new 1.8m high metal panel fence reinstated along the correct boundary alignment."

There are three adjacent property owners along that boundary.

Stage two would involve alterations and additions to the existing secondary dwelling as well as driveway construction.

The first unit would have three bedrooms, while the second and third units would each have two bedrooms.

The application does not state how many bedrooms would be in the fourth unit, the existing secondary dwelling.

The application claims that the maximum height of the development will be 7m, well within the maximum height of 11.5 metres allowed by planning provisions.

The proposal has a floor space ratio of 0.569:1, within the planning provision limit of 0.6:1.

The application states that "for all dual occupancy and multi-dwelling developments, the required minimum site coverage is 25 per cent of the site area at ground level shall be soft landscaping".

"The proposal will have a maximum site coverage of 38.54 per cent, thus compliance achieved."

The application claims general compliance with setback controls except to first floor living areas of units one, two and three.

Unit four's car port, which will also be situated "well forward of the building line".

A variation is claimed for these.

A variation is also requested for a reduction in private open space below the minimum of 45 square metres.

The proposed open space for units two and three was substantially less, being 37.4 square metres and 23.8 square metres respectively.

The application proposes to meet the requirement for seven parking spaces by providing three stacked spaces, which would overlap the front boundary onto the footpath verge by about 900mm.

"The footpath verge is actually much wider along the frontage of this property than other properties within the area."

It claimed the overhang was acceptable.

An arborist's report prepared by Abacus Tree Services advises that the large healthy Jacaranda street tree located on the Melba Rd nature strip in front of the site would need to be removed, because it was located too close to one of the three proposed driveways.

However this is contradicted in the application, which states "The existing site has one very large street tree that is to remain as part of the proposed development, as shown on the DA plans.

"Due to the number of driveway crossovers, there is a provision to add one additional street tree to the western side of the driveway to Unit 4 which can be required to be planted as a condition of consent."

The application, DA733/2023, was lodged on June 19 and is currently on public exhibition and open for written submissions.

The closing date for submissions has not been posted on the council web site.

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