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Fashion parade for children's fund

The Woy Woy Save The Children Fund branch will hold a fashion parade on Saturday, October 25, at 2pm in St Andrews Church, Ocean Beach Rd, Umina.

Clothes for the parade will be supplied by Jodies of Umina and modelled by members of the Save the Children Fund, Woy Woy district.

Branch secretary Nola Addinall said that she hoped to raise awareness of the organisation's work among people on the Peninsula.

"We're hoping it will be a successful afternoon.

"We're not all that well known.

"We've had fashion parades before. They're quite good fun.

"Jodie has some nice clothes, a lovely range.

"They're aimed at women in their 40s upwards," she said.

Ms Addinall said that Save the Children has done work with World Vision and been involved in crisis situations in Iraq, the Solomons and Bangladesh.

"In some remote communities, we provide wells or employment training."

In Bangladesh, Save the Children was running a home for the children of prostitutes, to help break the cycle of poverty.

Ms Addinall said that the Fund also worked in Australia providing a bus, which goes out to disadvantaged areas such as Blacktown, with learning games for local children and support for single mothers.

Entry to the fashion parade will be $6 including afternoon tea.

There will be a lucky door prize, raffle and sales table.

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