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Proposal to improve road verge

The Killcare Wagstaffe Trust is supporting a proposal "to improve the vegetation along the roadside verge of Scenic Rd at Killcare Heights".

The Trust has supported an approach to Gosford Council by TAFE bush regeneration teacher Deb Holloman to use volunteers from her class to work on the land outside 149 Scenic Rd at Killcare Heights.

This would lead to regrowth of indigenous low-growing shrubs along that section of Scenic Rd, making a buffer of native plants, according to Mrs Jeannette Thiering of the Killcare Wagstaffe Trust.

The Trust had previously called on Gosford Council to improve the vegetation along the roadside verge of Scenic Rd at Killcare Heights.

"It had been degraded by being used as a council dump for blue metal and by slashing," she said.

With the sale of adjoining land to two property local owners at 163 and 149 Scenic Rd, many indigenous plants were naturally returning to that side of the road reserve.

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