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Honoured for theatre work

Ms Pat Gilroy of Woy Woy has been honoured by receiving the Federal Government's Centenary Medal for service to the community through the Woy Woy Little Theatre.

Mr Steve Cummings of Woy Woy Little Theatre said: "This prestigious award is conferred on members of the community who through their selfless voluntary contributions have provided inspiration to others and continue to lead the way in their respective endeavours."

Ms Gilroy, who received the medal three weeks ago, said: "The award came out of the blue. I was amazed.

"Although I have been one small cog in the wheel, it's nice to be recognised.

"It would be lovely if everyone could get one."

Ms Gilroy, who arrived in Woy Woy in 1962 from Cheshire, England, said: "I was one of the people to start (Woy Woy Little Theatre) in 1962.

"I was involved with theatre in England.

"It has always been a passion. It's a bit magic.

"We attracted full houses for the first shows here.

"It was just such hard work getting shows on in the first years.

"Fortunately we had Woy Woy Primary School for storage, meetings, and play readings."

Ms Gilroy has been involved in all facets of Woy Woy Little Theatre's work.

"I have acted in and directed plays, worked back stage in every conceivable way, and was the president for many years.

"We have been lucky as we have had a consistently good, hard-working committee.

"Athough I'm still on the committee, I'm backing out now because of my age.

"It's been wonderful fun but there's a time to back out," she said.

Ms Gilroy said that she'd like to see more people enjoying the theatre.

"We put on all types of show for all ages - from Winnie the Pooh to On Golden Pond.

"It's not expensive and once you've been to a live show, you'll return time and time again," she said.

Woy Woy Little Theatre performs shows at the Peninsula Theatre.

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