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Residents to fight corruption

The Peninsula community has reached out to our neighbouring communities on the Central Coast, in seeking to create something of support for those who have for far too long been too frightened to speak out about those corrupt practices which are only beneficial to those who choose to treat the rest of their community with contempt.

Concerned Residents Against Corruption Incorporated (CRAC) is non sectarian and non party political.

We are interested in joining in teamwork with all interested local persons or bodies, to expose improper activities within government or any other authority which gives unfair advantage to any person, persons or body over another.

To work with determination for the advancement of the interest of the residents and community of the Central Coast and where required, to act in an advisory capacity and/or make representation to council and all government bodies whenever necessary to help achieve this goal.

The preceding two paragraphs is an outline of the objects of CRAC.

The following is my reason for believing that there is a need for this incorporated activity.

Firstly there are those in our community that for various reasons believe that the august bodies such as the State Ombudsman and ICAC have lost the way.

Serving it seems only to insulate the powers that be from those matters that may make the political situation uncomfortable for the incumbent.

There is evidence enough to show impartiality is a casualty of government, where complaint is concerned.

Time and time again, I personally have meet with the social damage that occurs when people are trusting enough to spend in some cases their life savings pursuing through the courts something that our constitution is supposed to assure each and every one of us as a matter of due process.

I believe that the Westminster system needs responsible guidance, brought about by the insistence of the people.

So that those who are elected can serve the people, in that very manner they held out to us when they stood for election.

Contact with CRAC can be made by phoning 0418 486 260 or writing to PO Box 275, Woy Woy 2256.

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