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Ferry terminal access assessed

The council's Disability Access Committee has identified the extent that the Fast Ferry terminal at Ettalong will be accessible to the disabled.

In response, council approved the provision of providing two accessible parking spaces in Bangalow St.

The Disability Committee stated: "The wharf will have hydraulic ramps that meet the gradient requirements 80 per cent of the time.

"Assisted access will be required during the king tides (approximately twice per year).

"The ferry terminal will have undercover seating (like a bus terminal) and an enclosed walkway to the wharf to provide protection from the elements.

"A large part of the terminal is glass to provide minimal blockage of the views of the water.

"There will be no additional parking built.

"The existing carpark will have 30 car parks, two of which are accessible.

"The Traffic Committee is imposing a four-hour parking limit on one side of the residential streets surrounding the terminal.

"The Access Committee raised concerns regarding additional accessible parking as the other forms of transport such as the buses are more difficult to access by some people with disabilities due to the stairs.

"Discussion was held about the possible location of more accessible parking and it was determined that Bangalow St would be the most suitable as it is a wide street without fast moving traffic, yet located close to the pedestrian crossing to the ferry terminal.

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