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Collapse Issue 24 - 13 Feb 2001Issue 24 - 13 Feb 2001
Collapse NEWS NEWS

Dog policy is crazy

The article "Dogs face beach ban" written by Carl Spears in the Peninsula News (December 19) leads me to think that once again the Gosford Council has on its board people with blinkers on.

Or is it that they dislike the people at Ettalong Beach?

Does the Council really think that we lack the proper breeding or that we all came from foreign shores and don't speak English too well and left school in the first grade? Or perhaps it's the other way round?

The area proposed for dogs off the leash at Ettalong beach is between Kourung St and Barrenjoey Rd.

This is absolutely crazy - half the families in Ettalong congregate in this area.

Fishermen use it every day.

At the moment, it is bad enough under restriction where many dogs off-and on-the-leash are caught up in the lines.

I have seen two people attacked by dogs off-the-leash in this area.

Perhaps you would like to see more of us attacked if this idiotic proposal is enforced in this particular area.

Do you want the fishing enthusiast to move elsewhere? Remember they also have to pay for the privilege.

Whether the council allows this area to be used for free-range dogs or not, it will not make any difference because it will be ignored until a few examples are made against the offenders.

The article states that dog owners are stakeholders in the city and enjoy and expect the opportunities to exercise their dogs on the city's many beaches.

This may be true to a large extent but some owners are not always happy to collect what these dogs leave behind them whether the dog is under control or not.

Instead they leave dog shit for our infants to inspect and play with before a horrified parent discovers too late what it is that the child finds so interesting.

The unsuspecting parents often wonder what that offensive odour is in the car or in their home until they realise what they have stepped on a few moments before.

If dogs are going to be allowed to run free on the beach then let them run free on all beaches not just confine them to a specific part of Ettalong Beach where people are not supposed to understand what the hell the Council is on about.

Define the area and mark it clearly so we all know where it is and most of all police it.

The defined proposed section that council has allocated is not the area for free-ranging dogs.

The council must go back to the drawing board.

We on this Peninsula are reasonably well-informed and as ratepayers have rights also.

I was attacked by a small dog recently which was running free in the proposed beach area. Fortunately, there was very little damage to me.

The owner said I should not be walking on the beach but on the footpath above the beach.

In other words, his dog had greater rights than me.

If I may make a suggestion, it will be under protest but if any area is allocated and I hope it isn't then it should be west of Barrenjoey to Augusta St.

All dogs should be under control at all times on- or off-the-leash; that requirement is the owner's responsibility.

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