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Collapse Issue 588:<br />19 Feb 2024<br />_____________Issue 588:
19 Feb 2024
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Anguished neighbour puts plight to planning panel

The prospect of living next to a multi-dwelling development of four two-storey townhouses, each with four bedrooms, and parking for seven cars, has caused a neighbour to put his plight to the Local Planning Panel.

While 11 submissions had been received opposing the application, he was the sole speaker against the proposal, a gunbarrel development at 15 Allfield Rd, Woy Woy (DA/4112/2022).

He said his existing one storey house was bought for himself and his wife in retirement "for joy".

That joy is now turning to anguish as he contemplates what it will be like living next door to this development.

His concerns were numerous and included loss of privacy with 11 upper-storey windows overlooking his property.

He said he recently paid $14,000 "up front" and was "encouraged by the government" for solar panels that will now be shaded.

He said that separated his house from the driveway of this proposal was a metal fence which would be inadequate to protect against the noise generated by the continual comings and goings of a housing complex containing 16 bedrooms and a population up to 20 persons.

Every family had at least two cars which meant off-street parking for the proposal would be inadequate in spite of compliance with planning controls, thereby putting pressure on street parking.

"Every building around me is filled with people who are 75 plus," he said.

"And all day long, I end up with NDIS nursing, home nursing and care staff stopping out front to care for these people.

"Where will they park now?"

He also mentioned the proposed remodelling of the intersection of Allfield and Blackwall Rds, which would reduce the number of street parking spaces, exacerbating the situation further.

He said he was also concerned that he would suffer from car headlights shining into his bedroom as people turned into the property.

The appearance also detracted from his amenity.

He said the only people who did not think developments like this looked "ghastly" were the applicants and the council assessors.

He said no consideration had been given to neighbours.

He said people who build properties that they have no intention of living in should be required to "give a hoot" for people who are forced to live nearby.

"Installing four two-storey units on a property this small" was like "stuffing a Christmas stocking until it's overfull and spewing out onto the street", he said.

With the Panel discussion and decision held behind closed doors, Panel chair Ms Donna Rygate said that the matter would be considered by the Panel and the result posted to the website this week.

Council assessors recommended approval despite non-compliance of private open space areas in terms of size, minimum dimensions and sunlight access.

The landscape plan and the shadow diagrams were only put on display long after the public exhibition had closed, and without the opportunity for public scrutiny.

The proposal was designed in the old-fashioned gunbarrel style with 187 square metres of concrete driveway extending virtually for the entire length of the site.

According to the plan, a single tree is to be retained on the north east corner of the site and seven trees are to be removed.

Of the 11 written submissions, many referred to the proposal as an "overdevelopment". However, the council assessment concluded that as the floor space ratio was 0.49:1, less than the 0.5-0.6:1 permissible.

A letter to the council planner from the applicant's architect appears to confirm that the council had already agreed to a non-compliance: "Based on past email communication, we acknowledge Council's acceptance of variation to this DCP control of 4.5m width of private open space."

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