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Collapse Issue 615:<br />24 Mar 2025<br />_____________Issue 615:
24 Mar 2025
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
Inaugural men's netball team makes debut
Leisure centre review to seek to generate more income
Peninsula News: A service for our readers
Parents for Climate rally at Umina Beach
Cr Neal calls for action to mitigate heat island effect
Federal funding to complete intersection upgrade
Patonga Easter fete returns with many stalls
Anzac service on 100th anniversary of memorial park
Anzac service at aged care facility
Chamber backs police action on youth crime
'Plenty of time' to work despite hip replacement
Busy weekend for Marine Rescue*
Lions Club awaits Council confirmation of carpark use*
Membership fees support Bays projects*
Bays group elects new committee*
Older women to hold second Easter raffle
Boat licence theory to be taught in Woy Woy
Family movie night to raise funds for Cancer Council
Book fair to be held on Easter Saturday at Pearl Beach
Bays brigade seeks volunteers*
Club hears of life of one of its members*
Reid's office complains of unbalanced coverage
Concrete slab laid at Everglades*
Food service seeks volunteers
Man faces court over alleged stabbing*
Working bee planned for community hall*
Koala documentary to be screened at Mingaletta
Relief duty manager is employee of the month*
Sally Baker is a 'local legend'*
Mary Mac's plans trivia night fundraiser
Umina pet store celebrates 18 years
School for Seniors hears about shade trees
Seven successful years attributed to authentic cuisine
Fantasy novel chosen for Book Club for Tweens*
Two fires extinguished*
Responses made to youth crime concerns, says Tesch*
No rain recorded for a week
Collapse  ARTS ARTS



'Brave bowlers' played in 36 degree heat

Ettalong Charity Bowls was played in 36 degree heat on Sunday, March 16.

The 28 "brave bowlers" raised $600 for their charity, Central Coast Kids in Need.

Winners on the day included Alan Button, won the spider voucher,

The winning rink was Frank Orik, Alan Thompson and Mick Petho.

Other winners were Brian Morgo and John Cardwell.

The next charity bowls day will be held at Ettalong Bowling Club on April 13, the second Sunday in April, so as not to clash with the Easter break.

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