Parking changed to loading zone in Ettalong
Central Coast Council will change quarter hour parking in front of the Box Cafe in Ettalong to be a loading zone from 6am to 8am.
The Central Coast Traffic Committee has been told: "Recent changes in waste collection arrangements have raised safety concerns from the new contractor as there is currently no formalised provision for waste collection adjacent to the cafe.
The change to a loading zone "enables waste collection and deliveries from larger vehicles to occur between 6am and 8am".
"At all other times, the spaces may be utilised by deliveries from smaller vehicles, short-term use by customers of the business, or residents picking up and dropping off from the waterfront area.
"It is noted that under the NSW Road Rules, larger vehicles may legally park across multiple angle spaces to facilitate loading and unloading of goods.
"Adjacent unrestricted parking is available for longer term users of the waterfront.
"Consultation was carried out with adjacent businesses and residents, noting the business's preference is to have a Loading Zone with a longer timeframe.
"The cost for the installation of the sign posting will be accommodated within the existing traffic facilities budget and be undertaken as soon as work priorities permit.
"The proposal aims to resolve some historical issues around the legalities of vehicles using the Loading Zone and a more recent issue concerning the safety of commercial waste vehicles.
The Traffic Committee carried a resolution to make the change unanimously.
Central Coast Local Traffic Committee TC07/2025, 20 Feb 2025