Multi-dwelling development to have 'decorative' concrete
An application for a multi-dwelling development, featuring "decorative concrete" paving, at 140 Bourke Rd, Umina Beach, proposes three townhouses in two buildings on the 771.1 square metre site.
Two units in one building would face the rear lane and be built as the first stage.
They are proposed to have one car park each, along with a visitor park positioned adjacent to the second unit's front door.
The second stage would be a single dwelling facing Bourke Rd.
The rear units are set back six metres from the lane, while the front unit is setback 7.5 metres from Bourke Rd.
The plans show most of the rear setback used as driveway and manoeuvring space, composed of "decorative" coloured concrete with a crossover eight metres wide.
The front unit will have one off-street park with a four metre wide driveway, also composed of "decorative" concrete.
It will have a car wash/visitor park parallel with Bourke Rd composed of "permeable" concrete, which is claimed as part of the landscaped area.
The application proposes the removal of 12 trees on site and a street tree, while one tree with poisonous leaves is retained.
It claims that the new landscaping will compensate for the loss of vegetation.
The landscape plan shows five trees and shrubs limited to the front and rear of the site, and one street tree.
No shrubs or trees in the central private open space areas, which instead will have "decorative" concrete paving and pergolas.
Residents of the rear units would take their rubbish bins to Bourke Rd via an "access way" in the side setback between the side fence and front unit (Unit 1).
The side setbacks are claimed as part of the landscaping area and, for Units 1 and 2, are shown on the landscape plan as "gravel".
The application states that a small portion of the site is located within a flood planning area, with a flood certificate showing the probable maximum flood level at 5.91 metres AHD.
The application states that all habitable floor space has been designed to be above this level.
The floor space ratio of the development of 0.517:1 slightly exceeds the maximum of 0.5:1 of the planning provisions, and a clause 4.6 variation request has been submitted for this.
In other minor variations, the garages fronting the rear laneway "slightly exceed 50 per cent" of the building frontage.
The other non-compliance is a lack of sunlight for Unit 1's private open space area.
No shadow diagrams have been provided in the public exhibition documents. These are required according to Central Coast planning provisions.
The application states that "the proposed variation is considered appropriate due to the orientation of the land and siting of the unit to Bourke Rd.
"The private open space for Unit 1 is south facing.
"This has been taken into account in the design of the unit with the living room orientated to the north as well as the provision of a balcony and porch within the northern elevation."
The applicant contends that the objectives of the development standard and land use zoning are achieved and also that the proposal is consistent with the Umina 4: Sandplain Mixed Density character statement.
The application is currently on exhibition and open for written submissions until April 4.
DA Tracker, 8 Mar 2025
DA/105/2025, Central Coast Council