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Collapse Issue 583:<br />27 Nov 2023<br />_____________Issue 583:
27 Nov 2023
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Council to tell Minister of planning review intentions

Central Coast Council is expected to tell the NSW Minister for Housing Mr Paul Scully that it intends reviewing its planning provisions, in response to his demand "to deliver more low and mid-rise housing".

The council will say that it has applied for grant funding that would help it prioritise action on housing.

Council staff have recommended, in a report to tomorrow's council meeting, that Mr Scully be sent "a response letter setting out Council's approach to supporting the delivery of housing across the Central Coast".

The report states the Minister's letter "asks councils to review their local policy settings and approaches in the interest of housing supply and identify existing well-located areas where terraces, small unit blocks or well-designed mid-rise apartments can be permitted".

"Council officers are in the process of finalising the Central Coast Local Housing Strategy following public exhibition.

"Council can influence housing through local land use zoning and planning controls, development approvals and the delivery of local infrastructure.

"The draft strategy includes actions to review the Local Environmental Plan and Development Control Plan to encourage a diversity of housing, infill development close to centres and allow for flexibility, innovation and resilience in the design and built form of developments.

It "also includes actions to support the delivery of affordable housing including the preparation of an Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme and to continue to pursue opportunities to utilise Council-owned land to deliver affordable housing", the report states.

"The review will focus on how residential zones are applied across the Central Coast, review land use tables and where changes could be made to Council's planning controls to ensure better align with housing needs.

"This work will also include a review of the dwelling and density capacity in existing and emerging centres.

"To assist in the prioritisation and delivery of actions in the proposed strategy, Council has applied for funding through the Regional Housing Strategic Planning Fund.

"If successful, this funding will enable Council to assist in the delivery of key affordable housing actions within the strategy and Council's Affordable and Alternative Housing Strategy."

The recommended response to the Minister would include "priority actions in the draft Central Coast Local Housing Strategy that support delivery of diverse, resilient and affordable housing on the Central Coast and timeframe for their delivery".

It would include "details of Council's Affordable Housing Land Proposal and priority actions in Council's Affordable and Alternative Housing Strategy".

It would also provide an overview of the housing challenges faced by the Central Coast and the opportunities for further NSW Government support to address them.

The report in the council meeting agenda states: "The proposed Central Coast Local Housing Strategy will be reported to Council in December providing an overview of the community feedback received and seeking its adoption."

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