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Collapse Issue 297 - 06 Aug 2012Issue 297 - 06 Aug 2012
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Free forum talks about sea level rise

A free forum will discuss local responses to sea level rise at the Woy Woy Community Centre on Saturday, August 25, from 1pm to 4pm.

The workshop will discuss what should be done to protect waterfront properties, said forum organiser Mr John Wiggin from the Climate Future Committee of the Central Coast's Community Environment Network.

"How much tidal inundation will people tolerate?

"Should we retreat or hang on until the last?

"These questions and more will be explored," he said.

Guest speakers will be University of NSW climate scientist Mr Alex Sen Gupta and Insurance Council of Australia special risks manager Mr Laurie Ratz.

Mr Sen Gupta will speak about the latest evidence for sea level rise and what could happen for the Central Coast.

Mr Wiggin said Mr Sen Gupta was a climate scientist from University's Centre for Climate Change Research.

He lectured on ocean circulation and worked on modelling of ocean circulation and large scale climate systems such as El Nino.

Mr Ratz will explain the risks covered by flood insurance and whether insurance companies cover sea level rise.

There will also be a workshop to develop ideas on adapting to rising seas and a report will be prepared and sent to local politicians.

Bookings for the free forum are essential.

To register or for more information, phone 4349 4756 or email

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