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Collapse Issue 605:<br />14 Oct 2024<br />_____________Issue 605:
14 Oct 2024
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Ettalong foreshore development to have 39 units

A mixed use development, with shop-top housing and ground level commercial space, has been proposed for 43-46 The Esplanade on the Ettalong Beach foreshore.

A development application received by Central Coast Council for "construction of a proposed five-storey mixed-use shop-top housing development, containing ground floor commercial floor space, 39 residential units and basement-ground level vehicle parking for 57 vehicles".

It includes "the demolition of the existing commercial and residential buildings" on the site - the Ettalong Beach Motel and a brick residence on the corner of Picnic Parade.

The site comprises lots 117 to 122 in DP10650 at Ettalong Beach, which have a total area of 3167.6 square metres.

"The sites will be amalgamated and subsequently strata titled on completion of the development," the application states.

The proposal consists of two blocks "A" and "B".

Block A (east) contains 19 units and Block B (west) contains 20.

According to the "unit mix" table on the drawings, two of the apartments are proposed to be one bedroom, 27 are two bedrooms, nine are three bedrooms and one has "four-plus" bedrooms.

However, the Basix Certificate submitted with the application claims there will be 32 units with two bedrooms and only four with three bedrooms.

The application states that the proposal "provides for new forms of mixed use development in the form of shop top housing and serviced apartments", apparently inferring that at least some of the planned residential units will be serviced apartments.

The proposal is planned to be built in four phases.

Stage 1 is demolition. Stage 2 is excavation. Stage 3 is basement construction and Stage 4 is ground to roof construction.

The proposal does not comply with Council planning provisions for ground and first floor ceiling heights of four metres and 3.3 metres respectively.

Heights of 3.23 metres and 2.7 metres respectively are proposed.

The application states: "The commercial tenancy areas only require three metres floor to ceiling with matching three metre glass shopfronts wrapping all commercial spaces," adding that this height is compliant with the State Apartment Design Guide.

In the case of the first floor "the floor to ceiling height at Level 1 is a minimum 2.7 metres in accordance with the requirements of the Apartment Design Guide".

"This allows 2.7 metres in all habitable areas and sufficient space for services and structural elements.

"This is consistent throughout the entire building."

The application states that only 28 units of the 39 (71.8 per cent) comply with the solar access planning requirements.

Compliance is claimed for the number of car parks provided, with 40 spaces provided for residential use and 17 for commercial, five of the parks being "accessible".

Also provided is parking for one motorcycle and storage for 13 bicycles.

Together with the Atlantis building next door, shading of the beach area from mid-afternoon during the winter months will be considerable.

However, the application claims that "whilst the subject site is adjacent to the Ettalong Beach foreshore and foreshore reserve, it does not create excessive overshadowing, wind funnelling or loss of views from public access to these areas and is consistent with the concept plans provided as part of the original Planning Proposal" to rezone the site.

Commenting on the "desired character" of the area, the application states: "The proposed bulk, height and scale of the building is also consistent with the desired future character for the precinct which represents an area in transition with existing residential and commercial building stock being upgraded and/or replaced with higher density residential and mixed-use development (particularly in the Ettalong Beach village precinct).

"The subject site is in a relatively prominent position along The Esplanade and the corner of Picnic Parade.

"However, the proposal will not have any significant adverse visual impacts on the coastline due to its high degree of architectural treatment, articulation and boundary setbacks.

"The design has been prepared in accordance with the provisions under Clause 5.55 Ettalong Beach of the Central Coast DCP 2022."

The application is currently on exhibition and open for written submissions from the public.

The closing date for submissions has not been published by the council.

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