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Collapse Issue 587:<br />12 Feb 2024<br />_____________Issue 587:
12 Feb 2024
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
Year 10 students spend first day at new campus
'Pre-consultation' starts for community land review
'Is Ocean Beach sea wall still planned?' ACF group asks
Prime Minister has Medicare cake in Umina
Peninsula groups to pilot local energy trading network
Everglades opens grant applications*
Plenty of activities at Patonga fire station
Craft day held on long weekend
Talks to help residents become energy efficient
Dunecare work resumes
Umina CWA to hold fabric sale
Ferries diverted to Patonga*
Reminder of the world's oldest living culture
Report of Australia Day fireworks grass fire*
Local Member presents flags for Australia Day*
Food donations delivered*
Jam will be made on Thursday*
Lunch club meets on the first Monday*
Marine Rescue unit has busy Australia Day weekend
Ettalong mural is finished*
Sensitive storytime at Woy Woy library
Group to discuss Tao Te Ching*
Fire brigade holds training night*
January records 99mm rainfall
Affordable housing proposal has 17 one-bedroom units
Proposal to replace one 'gun-barrel' with another
CEN announces campaign to fix planning scheme
Blanket planning rules could change the Peninsula
Miticide used for varroa mite
'Cinderalla' reserve should be community land
Fortress mentality widespread within Council
Most complaints about Central Coast Council*
Celebrating her 105th birthday
Charity bowls day raises $1035
Retirement village residents celebrate Australia Day
Psychiatry specialist joins hospital team
Collapse  ARTS ARTS
Patchwork group 'happy to be back'
Little Theatre holds free play readings
New silvercraft tutor starts at arts and crafts centre
'Rising star' to perform at Opera in the Arboretum*
Little Theatre announces 2024 season
Free basket and textiles project starts for women
Cross country training starts at Woy Woy South
Reminder to update phone app
Professional learning for school staff
Families will 'meet the teacher'
Students finish Year 6 typing faster than they write
Fours championship bowls final played at Umina
Woy Woy Wolves open baseball registration
Rugby club to celebrate 50 years*
Bunnies start 'boot bank'
Bridge club plays Australia Day pairs
Junior registration days for Umina Bunnies*
Canoe club to host regatta at Patonga
Floorball starts tomorrow*
Grommets' start delayed*
Kane Williams signs with Roosters*
Junior rugby players help at Mary Mac's*
Umina life savers spend at day at The Entrance
Pool 'regularly unavailable' over next five weeks
Grant for cricket pitch roller
Woy Woy Rugby holds annual sports luncheon*
Women rugby players 'better get in quick'
New team formation process at Southern and Ettalong
Umina hosts regional surf boat event*
Girls should give Aussie Rules a try, says Liesl Tesch
Swiss pairs results after three matches*
Umina United announces women's coach*



Affordable housing proposal has 17 one-bedroom units

A 21-unit development has been proposed at 18 Macleay Ave, Woy Woy, to provide "affordable housing in Woy Woy where a significant lack of smaller properties are available for rent".

The proposal is described as a mix of "residential flat buildings and multi-dwelling housing" with 17 one-bedroom units and four two-bedroom units.

It was prepared by Barker Ryan Stewart Pty Ltd for Pacific Link Housing.

"The development predominantly employs a two-storey form with the provision of single storey villas along the southern boundary," the application states.

The proposal features a 5.5 metre wide central concrete driveway, which "facilitates a communal area that will function as the central hub for the interaction of residents".

The development is described as "generally compliant" with the different standards for flats and for multi-dwelling housing (units G09-G11).

However, it does not comply with development controls for parking, private open space, solar access, garbage and waste services and setback.

The proposal includes 27 car spaces of "at grade" parking at the rear, where the requirement is stated to be 35.7 spaces of which 4.2 would be visitor spaces.

The application noted that "affordable housing developments are generally undertaken in accordance with State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing)", which allows "discounted parking rates".

However, to qualify, the proposed development had to be within 400m of a bus stop providing hourly services between 6am and 9pm.

"Bus services are provided every two hours on a Sunday, therefore precluding the development from utilising the controls in the Housing SEPP."

Three units are not compliant with the private open space requirements of 45 square metres and 4.5 metre minimum dimension.

Unit G09 has 26 square metres, while Units G10 and G11 each have 17 square metres.

Unit G09 will not receive the required amount of sunlight which is three hours of unobstructed sunlight access between 9am and 3pm on June 21.

The front setback is five centimetres short of the six metre requirement.

Garbage and waste services requirements are also not met.

The application argues: "The controls for multi dwelling housing are considered to represent an over estimate of the waste generation for this size of dwelling given the typical townhouse-villa is three bedrooms."

The proposal requires the removal of 31 individual trees and one "stand" of trees.

"A further 19 trees can be retained within close proximity to the development footprint."

The application states: "The proposed clearing of native vegetation does not exceed the Biodiversity Offset Scheme Threshold and the site is not heritage listed."

It claims: "The proposal does not require a supporting biodiversity development assessment report because: the development is not likely to significantly affect threatened species or ecological communities, or their habitats; the development does not trigger any biodiversity offsets schemes; and the development is not proposed in a declared area of outstanding biodiversity value.

"A comprehensive assessment of ecological impact was undertaken in the Ecological Assessment Report.

"A Five-Part Test was undertaken in accordance with the Biodiversity Conservation Act requirements which confirmed that the native vegetation present on site has been disturbed by weed invasion, rubbish dumping, soil disturbances and historical clearing and is in a highly degraded state despite some regrowth.

"No significant impacts to threatened species or ecological communities are expected.

"Proposed landscaping will positively contribute to the ecological values of the surrounding area and the translocation of soils associated with Plant Community Type 1645 will be facilitated to a nearby Council site as per request of the Council.

"The development will facilitate the installation of 23 trees with mature heights up to 10 metres in addition to an extensive integration of groundcover planting and shrubs to mature heights of four metres."

The application describes the overall design: "The development proposes a contemporary and lightweight form with masonry elements complemented by cladding and articulation of the upper storey."

"The development provides an attractive upgrade to the streetscape with a generous landscaped front setback comprising planting and sandstone block fencing."

"The proposed landscape treatment of the site will significantly upgrade the streetscape and promote a welcoming environment for residents and their guests to live and socialise."

The application is on public exhibition for written submissions until March 8.

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