Woy Woy Park Run statistics released
Woy Woy Park Run has released statistics of its run on Saturday, January 11.
There were 138 male runners, 125 female and 20 unscanned.
The run saw 44 first-timers take part and 34 others ran personal best times.
The female runner with the most runs was Caro Vos with 420 park runs, while the male runner was Neil Dufty with 273 runs.
Kieran O'Shea reached his 50-run milestone, while Tommy Hamilton, Clark McCallum and Caroline Galea reached 25 runs.
First male to finish was Oliver Butcher in 18:20, while first female was Jessica Bennett in 20:46.
Personal best times were recorded by Riccardo Patterson-Meyer, Thomas Jarvis, James Dillon, Caleb Henderson, Jack Barnard, Jon Barnard, Martin Bjorke, Melissa Millar, Ty Williams, Nick Elmitt, Andrew Griffith, Linda Johnson, Shona Curvers, Ben Osborne, Sam Brown, Robert Walton, Greg Hunt, Will Gumbley, Sarah Shelley, Duncan Munnings, Brynn Clarke, Kain Gilbert, Ian Burns, Sianne C, Ger Oriain, Tara Porter. Selby Pearce, Anne Burns, Isabelle Elder, Kassandra Bulman, Jayne Alison James, Debra Lloyd, Emma Osborne and Amy Osborne.
Volunteers for the day were Robyn Abicair, Dale Bachelor, Justin Bolton, Matthew Booth, Caroline Galea, Deana Hatzi, Christine Kerr, Greg Love, Maureen Lynch, Veronica McCarthy, Tracey McHugh, Melissa Porter, Scott Wedesweiler and Sarah Xuereb.
Woy Woy parkrun started on July 7, 2018.
Since then 8750 participants have covered a total distance of 223,365 km, including 6457 new personal best times.
A total of 618 individuals have volunteered 3162 times.
The average number of participants across all events was 162.
Social media, 12 jan 2025
Woy Woy Park Run